Classroom Ideas – Photo’s

This is one of our classroom ideas you can do with your students or colleagues. Everyone takes two pictures to the exercise.
One picture on which you were a kid and one picture which reminds you of a positive memory.
One picture on which you were a kid and one picture which reminds you of a positive memory.
First there will be guessed one by one which picture belongs to whom. During the second round everyone shows the picture of his positive memory while he tells about this memory.
During the Classroom Ideas exercise the trainer can apply variations.
- Next to a photo, you can also instruct the participants to take a piece of music which reminds them of a positive memory to the exercise. While the music plays the person who took the piece of music tells about the memory.
- Next to a photo, you can also instruct the participants to take a random object which reminds them of a positive memory to the exercise. While the object goes around the circle the person who took the object tells about the memory.
- Next to a photo of a positive memory, you can also instruct the participants to take picture of a memory which touches them to the exercise. While the picture goes around the circle the owner of the picture tells about this memory.
Do you know a good Classroom Ideas variation?
Type him below this video as a comment!
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Herman Otten
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