Team Exercises to Improve Cooperation and Communication
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Improve the Communication

Team exercises which make the team aware of their communication.
Experience how Cooperation works

In a fun and playful manner the team will learn how to cooperate.
Give each other feedback

Feedback is always a sensitive topic. These exercises make it fun and light hearted.
Get new insights about each other

Get to know each other in a total new and deeper way than you could ever imagine.
(Cooperation Exercises)

Five is a fun game to do as a warm up group game. One by one each person from the circle tries to guess how many hand the others will...
(Cooperation Exercises)
During this group building exercise each person from the team will choose a category and a team exercise belonging...
(Feedback Exercises)
This is one of our group building games in which the team sits in a circle. Each person will...
(Feedback Exercises)
This is one of our group building activities in which the team will be split into two groups. Tell...
(Insight Exercises)
During this group building exercise each participant let the other participants hear their favorite piece of music. When someone...
(Cooperation Exercises)
This is one of our icebreaker games in which the team form groups of three which will come up...
(Cooperation Exercises)
This is one of our team motivation games in which the team will make a logo that represents the...
(Insight Exercises)
During the Team building Small Groups exercise the team shares moments with each other they experienced in the past....
(Cooperation Exercises)
During the corporate team building exercise the team will construct the perfect team member. First they split up in...
(Cooperation Exercises)
This is one of our theater exercises in which the team pretends to be in different places. The trainer...
(Cooperation Exercises)
This is on of our creative thinking exercises in which the team will categorise random objects. Because they do...
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