Group Building – Music

During this group building exercise each participant let the other participants hear their favorite piece of music. When someone is playing his piece of music he tells the others what...
Get to know each other in a total new and deeper way than you could ever imagine.
The latest Insight Exercises:During this group building exercise each participant let the other participants hear their favorite piece of music. When someone is playing his piece of music he tells the others what...
During the Team building Small Groups exercise the team shares moments with each other they experienced in the past. They share things about themselves and...
This exercise will tribute to positive teamwork. First the team will say to each other who they admire. It can be anyone. Next they say...
During this exercise the team will learn about the personality types using the four elements: earth, wind, water and fire. You divide the room into...
During this team building training the team will literally make a timeline on which they can see who joined the team when and why this...
This is one of our teamwork games in which the team will say what he would do if he won a million dollar. Next the...
This is one of our playful teaching ideas in which the team will form a circle and pretend they are standing around a wishing well....
This is one of our teaching lessons in which the team will come up with ideas to improve a relevant theme. For each Teaching Lessons...
This is one of our team building games indoor which is a good energizer to do as a warm up to get to know each...
This is one of our top team building games in which everyone will form a line on one side of the room and takes a...
One of our great team building activities is the points for improvement exercise which is very suitable to communicate within the team what the participants...