Group Activities – The Quiz

This is one of our group activities, everyone will think of three question. An easy one, a medium one and a hard one. One by one every group member will ask their easy question. If a group member thinks that he knows the answer, he says: ‘I’. If he is right he gets a point, if not he gets a penalty point. They do the same with the medium questions, a correct answer is worth 2 points and finally with the hard questions, a correct answer is worth up to 3 points. The one with the most points is the winner of the group activities exercise.
During the group activities you can apply variations:
- When the rounds are played you can also let the two people with the most points play the final round. The others will think of a question with multiple answers, for example: Name all the rivers in Europe.
One by one they’ll answer. The time they get is, their number of points times 5, seconds.
When the first person answers the question, the other person should go outside the room.
When he is done the other person comes inside the room and does the same. The person who has the most correct answers wins the game. - You can let them put out a finger if they have a point, when they have 2 points they point out two fingers. This will help them remind their points. If they have more than 10 points they can write it down.
- If two people say ‘I’ at the same time they can both say their answer. If they have the same answer and it’s correct the asker can come up with another question only those two people can answer. Just as long until one person wins the point.
- When someone is wrong you can also give the others a chance to get it right. So the questionnaire asks the question again and everyone can try to give the right answer except for the one who already had his chance.
Do you know a good variation for the group activities exercise?
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Herman Otten
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