Language games – The Word Game

This is one of our language games in which the team stands in a circle and the participants one by one throw a ball towards each other while saying a random word.
They start with saying a word which comes to their mind regarding the word they got from the person that threw the ball at them.In the next round they say a word that rhymes with the word they got from the person that threw the ball.
In the second round they call oud words that rhyme with the word they got.
In the third round they call out a word which forms a new existing word when placing it after the last syllabe of the word they got from the person that threw the ball at them.
The trainer can apply variations to the Language games exercise.
- You can let the team tell a story in the same manner. Everyone says a word that together forms a story. For example: There. Was. A. Man. Who. Etc..
- Everyone says a word starting with the last letter of the word they received. For example: man, no, order, right. When the team gets a hang of it you can come up with a category in which the word has to fit. For example animals: bird, dromedaris, seawhale, etc..
- You can let the team come up with compliments for the one they throw the ball to. Starting with the last letter of the compliment they received. For example: Inspiring, Good vibe, energetic, etc..
Do you know a good Language games variation? Type him below this video as a comment.
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