Team Exercises to Improve Cooperation and Communication
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Improve the Communication

Team exercises which make the team aware of their communication.
Experience how Cooperation works

In a fun and playful manner the team will learn how to cooperate.
Give each other feedback

Feedback is always a sensitive topic. These exercises make it fun and light hearted.
Get new insights about each other

Get to know each other in a total new and deeper way than you could ever imagine.
(Communication Exercises)

During this exercise the team forms duos by making two lines facing each other. You give the team a thesis which each duo is going to discuss for 1 minute....
(Cooperation Exercises)
During this team building for large groups the team walks around the room and will play the game rock,...
(Cooperation Exercises)
This is one of our group activities, everyone will think of three question. An easy one, a medium one...
(Communication Exercises)
This is one of our group assignments, the team will first come up with individual things they would like...
(Insight Exercises)
This is one of our great team activities. Prior this exercise you tell everyone to take ten coins. The...
(Cooperation Exercises)
This is one of our cooperative activities in which the team forms duos. Each pair gets a stick. Each...
(Insight Exercises)
This is one of our personality exercises in which the group sits in a circle and each person gets...
(Cooperation Exercises)
Game for big group in which one person stands at the wall on one side of the room and...
(Cooperation Exercises)
This is one of our exciting team meeting ideas in which the team will assassinate each other. Each team...
(Cooperation Exercises)
This is one of our active games in which the team will form a snake by walking around in...
(Insight Exercises)
This is one of our games for coworkers in which the team stands in a big circle. Everyone brought...
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