Group Assignments – Limiting Beliefs

This is one of our group assignments, the team will first come up with individual things they would like to achieve. Next each person come up with a limiting belief which holds them back. And finally he comes up with a solution which takes away his limiting belief. In the second round you let the team come up with a common thing they would like to achieve. Next they come up with a limiting belief. And finally with a solution which takes away that belief.
During the group assignments exercise you can apply variations:
- During both rounds, you can also tell them they can come up with more than one solution as well. Now let them find a solution for each limiting belief.
- Make sure the team won’t discus too long to come up with the achievement, limiting belief and solution. Too much discussion will make them think too much. Max 1 minute per topic. This way the exercise will remain fresh.
- After the exercise you can evaluate. Ask each person if he got rid of his limiting belief. If not, ask him again how he can change his belief by asking for a solution. Make sure you don’t give him the solution, but let him come up by himself.
Do you know a good variation?
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Herman Otten
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