Personality Exercises – Handwriting

This is one of our personality exercises in which the group sits in a circle and each person gets a pen and a paper. The trainer calls out a sentence which has something to do with the group. In this case: “The better we concentrate, the better the results.” Each person writes down this sentence on the top of the paper and gives the paper to the trainer. All the papers go around the group until everyone wrote a personality trait on each paper he thinks belongs to the handwriting. Now the trainer shows the first paper to the group. The one of which the handwriting belongs gets the paper, reads the traits and calls out the trait or traits he thinks are accurate with his personality.
During the personality exercises you can apply variations:
- In the first part of the exercise, let them come up themselves with a sentence they think is a theme in the group.
- In the last part of the exercise, let people choose a trait or traits except the trait they wrote down themselves.
- In the last part of the exercise, let each person tell how the trait or traits he chose relates to the sentence on the paper. For example when the sentence is: The better we concentrate, the better the results: I chose ‘funny’, I think concentrating is a good thing, but it helps me and I think also others to have some fun in between.
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