Team Exercises to Improve Cooperation and Communication
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Improve the Communication

Team exercises which make the team aware of their communication.
Experience how Cooperation works

In a fun and playful manner the team will learn how to cooperate.
Give each other feedback

Feedback is always a sensitive topic. These exercises make it fun and light hearted.
Get new insights about each other

Get to know each other in a total new and deeper way than you could ever imagine.
(Cooperation Exercises)

During this on of our active listening exercises the team stands in a straight line. The trainer stands in front of the group and gives the team instructions of what...
(Insight Exercises)
This exercise will tribute to positive teamwork. First the team will say to each other who they admire. It...
(Cooperation Exercises)
This is one of our simple team building games in which the team will build a tower with their...
(Cooperation Exercises)
This is one of our games for employees in which the team will play a game. They all form...
(Cooperation Exercises)
This is one of our creative team building activities the team will create a team newspaper. The team form...
(Feedback Exercises)
During this constructive feedback exercise the team forms two lines facing each other. First each person from line A...
(Cooperation Exercises)
This is one of our puzzle exercises in which the team will solve a riddle by thinking outside the...
(Cooperation Exercises)
This is one of our improvisation exercises in which the team will play a name game. This exercise is...
(Communication Exercises)
During this negotiationg skills exercise the team will improve their Negotiation Skills by playing a bluff game. The team...
(Insight Exercises)
During this exercise the team will learn about the personality types using the four elements: earth, wind, water and...
(Cooperation Exercises)
This is one of our Mind Cracking Riddles you can do with a group. They have to agree unanimously...
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