Acting Lessons – Today is my birthday

This is one of our acting lessons in which the team will experience how to act with different emotions.
In the second round they act that they don’t want to show an emotion. But it is important that the rest of the group sees which emotion they are hiding. It is a fun exercise to break the ice and to work with the basics of acting 🙂
The trainer can apply variations to the Acting Lessons exercise:
- Next to happy, angry and sad you can also do the exercise with other emotions and feelings. For example: anxious, jalous or intimidating.
- In round two they act they hide an emotion, but like said before, it is very important the audience can see which emotion they are hiding. This without showing the emotion to much, otherwise it won’t be hiding anymore. You can let the other participants guess which emotion they are hiding.If not everyone sees it, the participant can say the sentence again. Just as long everyone knows what is the emotion he is hiding.
- Next to the sentence ‘today is my birthday’ you can do the exercise with other sentences as well. For example sentences from the theatre play you are working on. Or you can let the team come up with sentences.
- When they get very good at the exercise you can tell them to hide one emotion with a specific other one. For example: you are feeling sad, but you are hiding your sadness with happiness. Or: you are happy, but you are hiding your happiness with angriness. Make sure the rest of the team can see what the actor has choosen.
Do you know a good Acting Lessons variation? Type him as a comment below this video.
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Herman Otten
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