How to stop using filler words

During the exercise the participants learn in a playful manner how to stop using filler words and using ‘uuh’ in a sentence.
The team forms groups of three and decides who will be person A, B and C.
Person A tells person B what he would like to change within the team.
When person A says ‘uh’ or uses a filler word person C claps his hands and tells why he clapped his hands.
After a minute the roles switch and person B tells to person C what he would like to be happening within the team. Person A now claps his hands when person B says ‘uh’ or uses a filler word.
After a minute the roles switch and person C tells to person A and person B is the notifier.
During the How to stop using filler words exercise you can apply variations:
- Next to telling each other what you would like to change within the team you can let the participants also tell each other different kind of stories.
For example about a holiday that they remember or something they know a lot about. - Next to let the notifier clap his hands when someone uses a filler word or says ‘uh’ he can also does something different. For example making an ‘oink’ sound.
- Let the notifier write doen all the filler words person A is using. And let him also write down the number of ‘uh’s he has said.
Do you know a good How to stop using filler words variation? Type him as a comment below this video.
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