Team Bonding Activities – The Puzzle

This is one of our team bonding activities in which the team will make a replica of a picture or image.
You cut the image into pieces equal to the number of participants and give each participant a piece. Also each person will get a big blank paper on which he will draw a copy of the original piece.
After everyone has drawn a copy everyone comes together and tries to recreate the whole image with the selfmade copies.
During the exercise the trainer can apply variations to the Team Bonding Activities:
- Instead of coloured pencils you can give everyone only a normal grey pencil. This way it will become more difficult to make the final puzzle because they can’t orientate with the colours.
- To make the exercise more difficult you can tell the participants to look for 1 minute at their original piece of the image and than let them return the image. When they draw the increased image on the big blank paper they don’t have the original piece to look at, so they have to copy from their memory.
- After they finished the puzzle they can put the big recreation in a frame, together with the original piece in the corner, as a reminder of the day.
Do you know a good Team Bonding Activities variation? Type it below this video as a comment!
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Herman Otten
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