Concentration Exercises – 1, 2, 3

1 2 3 is one of the best concentration exercises to do at the start of a day. The exercise will help the group to build up their concentration and at the same time acquaint the team with one another.
Because the team has to stay very focused when the exercise gets more and more difficult they can’t get distracted and will build up concentration fast. At the same time the team members also share some information about themselves making it a nice way to get to know each other a little bit better.
You can also apply variations to the concentration exercises, a few examples are listed below.
- Instead of calling out the city or place where you were born you can of course also share something else. For example your favorite solo artist or band. Your favorite country to go on vacation to are the amount of brothers and sisters you have.
- If you’re working with a bigger group it’s also possible to make pairs of 4, 5 or bigger. Just make sure that the number they are counting to is the same amount of people in the group plus 1. This way the participants have to say something different every sequence.
- You can also turn this exercise into a little competition. Every time someone makes a mistake he or she gets a letter. When he made a set amount of mistakes and the word is spelled he is eliminated from the game. Play until there is one final winner!
Do you know a good concentration exercises variation? Type it as a comment below!
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Herman Otten
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