Great way of playing tag – The Maze

A great way of playing tag in an alternative way!
This is a great team exercise to do as a fun game or as a warm up.
The team will form a maze together bij standing in parallel lines with their arms spread. The catcher tries to catch the runner as fast as possible. The maze can be change by the changer who can say left or right. When he does so everyone makes a quarter turn to the left or right.
During the Great way of playing tag exercise you can add variations:
- You can add the rule that the catcher also can calls out right or left. This way he can estimate how he can reach the runner the fastest.
- You can also add the rule that the runner also can calls out right or left. This way he can estimate how he can stay out of the arms of the catcher in a most effective way.
- You can let several persons stand in a different angle from the start. This way the maze becomes complexer.
Do you know a good Great way of playing tag variation?
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Herman Otten
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